Lorrie Heavilin

Lorrie Heavilin

Subtly charming coffee buff. Hardcore beer fanatic. Friendly twitter trailblazer. Devoted twitter aficionado. Unapologetic beer lover. General internet scholar.

49 Total Posts
Women's Health Care Services in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

Women's Health Care Services in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

Women in Central Texas have access to a wide range of health care services, from family planning screenings and pregnancy ...

Support Groups and Counseling Services for Women's Mental Health in Central Texas

Support Groups and Counseling Services for Women's Mental Health in Central Texas

Mental health issues are a common problem in the United States, with one in five adults affected, according to the...

Support Services for Pregnant Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Support Services for Pregnant Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you pregnant and living in Central Texas? You're not alone. There are many support services available to help you...

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services for Women in Central Texas

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services for Women in Central Texas

Women in Central Texas have access to a wide range of physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Our full-service...

Cancer Screenings and Treatments for Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Cancer Screenings and Treatments for Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Women in Central Texas have access to a variety of cancer screenings and treatments that can help them detect and manage...

Support Services for New Moms in Central Texas

Support Services for New Moms in Central Texas

Are you a new mom in Central Texas looking for support services? You're in luck! There are plenty of resources available...

6 Types of Treatment for Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide

6 Types of Treatment for Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide

Mental health problems can vary greatly from person to person, even between people with the same mental health diagnosis. ...

Support Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Central Texas

Support Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Central Texas

Survivors of sexual assault in Central Texas have access to a variety of support services that can provide help and...

Mental Health Services for Women in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

Mental Health Services for Women in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

Mental health issues are a reality for millions of Americans, from mild to more severe conditions. Fortunately, there are ...

What Benefits Do Pregnant Mothers Receive in Texas?

What Benefits Do Pregnant Mothers Receive in Texas?

Pregnant women in Texas have access to a range of health coverage options, including Medicaid and CHIP Perinatal....

Empowering Wellness: Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Empowering Wellness: Women's Health Care In Central Texas

In the heart of Texas, a dedicated approach to women's health and well-being has been taking root and flourishing. The...

Comprehensive Care for Menopausal Women in Central Texas: Expert Advice

Comprehensive Care for Menopausal Women in Central Texas: Expert Advice

At Women Partners in Health, our compassionate obstetricians and gynecologists provide expert guidance and comprehensive...

Breaking Down The Stigma: Understanding Women's Mental Health Needs In Central Texas

Breaking Down The Stigma: Understanding Women's Mental Health Needs In Central Texas

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being and quality of life, yet it remains one of the most stigmatized...

8 Most Common Women's Health Issues Affecting Women

8 Most Common Women's Health Issues Affecting Women

Women's health is a complex and wide-ranging topic, with many conditions that affect women differently than men. From...

Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: What You Need to Know

Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on public health and the labor market. For job seekers in the public health...

Support Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Central Texas

Support Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Central Texas

Dating violence can take many forms, such as emotional and verbal abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. It can happen...

Affordable Health Care Options for Women in Central Texas

Affordable Health Care Options for Women in Central Texas

Women in Central Texas have a variety of healthcare options available to them, depending on their needs and budget. The...

Comprehensive Health Care Services for Pregnant Women in Texas

Comprehensive Health Care Services for Pregnant Women in Texas

Texas provides comprehensive health care services for low-income pregnant women, including prenatal visits, prenatal...

Two Essential Preventive Health Measures for Women: Take Control of Your Health Now

Two Essential Preventive Health Measures for Women: Take Control of Your Health Now

Women's health is an integral part of overall well-being, and preventive health care is a key element of this. From the...

Does the Texas Women's Health Program Cover Eye Exams?

Does the Texas Women's Health Program Cover Eye Exams?

The Texas Women's Health Program and Medicaid for pregnant women both provide a range of health care services, including...

Comprehensive Women's Health Care in Central Texas: Expert Advice and Support for Women of All Ages

Comprehensive Women's Health Care in Central Texas: Expert Advice and Support for Women of All Ages

Women's health is an integral part of overall health and well-being, and the David's Women's Center of Texas is the first ...

Six Steps to Improve Women's Health and Well-Being

Six Steps to Improve Women's Health and Well-Being

Women of all ages can take steps to improve their health and well-being. From getting active more often to understanding...

Women's Health Care Solutions in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Women's Health Care Solutions in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Women's health issues can be complex and require specialized care. In Central Texas, there are a variety of treatments...

Educational Programs and Classes for Women's Health Care in Central Texas

Educational Programs and Classes for Women's Health Care in Central Texas

Are you looking for educational programs or classes related to women's health care in Central Texas? Look no further!...

Does Women's Health Include Pregnancy? A Comprehensive Look

Does Women's Health Include Pregnancy? A Comprehensive Look

The women's health services team consists of doctors and health care providers from various specialties. There are a...

The Benefits of the Texas Women's Health Program Explained

The Benefits of the Texas Women's Health Program Explained

The Healthy Texas Women program provides free health and family planning services to eligible low-income women. These...

Do Women in Texas Get Free Healthcare?

Do Women in Texas Get Free Healthcare?

The Healthy Texas Women program is a valuable resource for low-income women in the state. It provides free health and...

Exploring Women's Health Care in Central Texas: Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Exploring Women's Health Care in Central Texas: Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Women's Health Texas offers patients the chance to take part in clinical research with their obstetricians and...

Does Texas Women's Health Cover Pregnancy? A Comprehensive Guide to Quality Care

Does Texas Women's Health Cover Pregnancy? A Comprehensive Guide to Quality Care

The Healthy Texas Women program is an excellent option for those looking for comprehensive medical care during pregnancy. ...

Unlocking Vitality: Accessing Quality Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Unlocking Vitality: Accessing Quality Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Women's health and well-being are of utmost importance, and having access to reliable and comprehensive healthcare...

Screenings for Women in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

Screenings for Women in Central Texas: What You Need to Know

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Services Program (BCCS) is a state-funded initiative that helps provide women with...

Does the Healthy Texas Women Program Cover Mental Health?

Does the Healthy Texas Women Program Cover Mental Health?

The Healthy Texas Women program is a free health and family planning service for eligible low-income women. It helps them ...

Nutrition and Diet Counseling Services for Women in Central Texas: An Expert's Guide

Nutrition and Diet Counseling Services for Women in Central Texas: An Expert's Guide

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is a specialized form of dietary instruction that includes counseling on...

Support Services for Breastfeeding Mothers in Central Texas: Get the Help You Need

Support Services for Breastfeeding Mothers in Central Texas: Get the Help You Need

Are you a breastfeeding mother in Central Texas looking for support? You're in luck! There are a variety of services...

Navigating The Complexities Of Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Navigating The Complexities Of Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Women's health care is a complex and often overwhelming topic. With so many different healthcare providers, insurance...

The Best Hospitals for Women's Health Care in Central Texas

The Best Hospitals for Women's Health Care in Central Texas

Women's health care is an essential part of overall health and well-being. Central Texas is home to a number of hospitals ...

Reproductive Health Services for Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Reproductive Health Services for Women in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Women in Central Texas have access to a variety of reproductive health services, including family planning screenings,...

Support Services for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Central Texas

Support Services for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Central Texas

At WomensLaw, we are devoted to providing support and assistance to all survivors of gender-based violence, regardless of ...

Alternative Therapies and Treatments for Women's Health Issues in Central Texas

Alternative Therapies and Treatments for Women's Health Issues in Central Texas

Are you looking for alternative therapies or treatments for women's health issues in Central Texas? If so, you're in...

Getting Medicaid for Pregnancy in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Getting Medicaid for Pregnancy in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you pregnant and living in Texas? If so, you may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. Medicaid is a health coverage...

Women's Health Services: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Wellness

Women's Health Services: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Wellness

Women's health is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions that affect ...

Finding the Best Resources for Women's Health in Central Texas

Finding the Best Resources for Women's Health in Central Texas

Women's health is a critical issue, and it's essential to find the best resources available in Central Texas. We...

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Screenings and Treatments for Women in Central Texas

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Screenings and Treatments for Women in Central Texas

The Heartsaver CT scan is a non-invasive, painless test that can detect heart disease in its early stages, when it is...

Empowering Women: The Evolution Of Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Empowering Women: The Evolution Of Women's Health Care In Central Texas

In recent decades, there has been a significant shift in the way women's health care is approached and provided in...

What is the Healthy Texas Women Program? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Healthy Texas Women Program? A Comprehensive Guide

The Healthy Texas Women program is a free health and family planning service for eligible low-income women. It helps them ...

Taking Charge Of Your Wellness: Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Taking Charge Of Your Wellness: Women's Health Care In Central Texas

Women's health is a topic of paramount importance, transcending boundaries and touching the lives of individuals and...

The Impact of Systemic Racism on Women's Health in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Look

The Impact of Systemic Racism on Women's Health in Central Texas: A Comprehensive Look

A decade ago, black women in Texas were twice as likely as white women to die during pregnancy and childbirth. This...